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Re: "C" Manual

* Charles Baker (rascharles@yahoo.com) [Dec 20. 2001 16:36]:

> http://www.gnu.org/order/order.html

> The C++ Programming Language by Stroustrup
> http://www1.fatbrain.com/asp/bookinfo/bookinfo.asp?theisbn=0201889544&vm=

> The C Programming Language by Kernighan and Ritchie
> http://www1.fatbrain.com/asp/bookinfo/bookinfo.asp?theisbn=0131103628&vm=

And if you have the extra dough:

The Standard C Library, P.J. Plauger ISBN: 0131315099

I also found, C Programming: A Modern Approach, by K.N. King, good.

Another reference with reviews:


Brian Clark | Debian GNU/Linux: 3950 packages to keep you busy.
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