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Re: Linux 2.4.14 and Integrated IPtables?


On Thu, 13/Dec/01 17:57:22, Bender, Jeff wrote:
> I just recently upgraded my kernel to Linux 2.4.14 with the IPTables
> compilied into the kernel.  Supposedly it comes integrated into the kernel.
> I looked everywhere for the iptables binary and couldn't find it.  I did a
> 'find / -name iptables' and even an 'updatedb' then 'locate iptables'.  No
> binary found.  I resorted to downloading the source code and  make it on my
> system.
> Am I missing something or did they forget to add the binary?
> ~ Clueless
> -- 
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You compiled into kernel only netfilter. It is a kernel subsystem responsible
for packet filtering. IPTables is a tool for manipulating netfilter. Look at
BTW if you compile kernel you always got only kernel image (and maybe some
modules) but never binaries you can run from shell.


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