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Re: dnscache and local network

[Thu, Dec 13, 2001 at 11:41:20PM +0000] Rocha :

> would  want all  the computers  in  my intranet,  accessing a  tinydns
> server to resolve their hostnames, skipping the hosts file

There is a  small nifty caching DNS utility called  as 'pdnsd' which can
save DNS records back onto your  hard disk upon exit/reboot.  I am using
BIND and PDNSD, both together, the combination is difficult to beat.

I do not know whether there is a back-port of 'pdnsd' for Potato v2.2

> Any guru out there willing to give some tips ?

I believe  no one  is a guru  here, all  are learning and  everything is
changing fast in our world of computing machines. :-)

Still a 'shishya' looking out for that missing 'guru'....

ragOO, VU2RGU<->http://gnuhead.dyndns.org/<->GPG: 1024D/F1624A6E 
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