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Re: space usage misreported?

On 12 Dec 2001 at 0:36, nate wrote:

> <quote who="Adrian Bolzan">
> > Hello,
> >
> > where did the other 1.6GB go?
> did you delete a buncha stuff? in many cases deleted
> data is not actually freed up until the process that
> was using the data exits. one quick way to be sure
> all processes exit cleanly is to go to runlevel 1
> and back to runlevel2 (init 1). you'll need
> console access to do this, all processes and networking
> will be shut down when going to single user(or
> you can modify the init scripts to come right back
> to runlevel 2).
> or you can fart around with fuser and lsof to track
> down what may be using files on /var which may
> be holding up the system. if all else fails unmount
> the partition and run a fsck on it.
> nate

thanks for the ideas.  I will give both of these a go.  /var holds some data 
for a a web app in a  postgres database so maybe something has 
happened there.


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