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Re: [slightly OT] How the heck can the private LAN make DNS requests behind a proxy?

On Wed, Dec 12, 2001 at 12:07:27AM -0800, Calyth wrote:
| I'm planning to set up a proxy, and I'll have to get the standard
| services (HTTP, FTP, POP), and SOCKS on the firewall. I'm just wondering
| how the heck the machines inside can get DNS requests if they need to
| have a DNS resolved? Do I have to setup a DNS for that purpose?

You can run BIND on your firewall that all clients will use as their
DNS server, or you can tell the clients the same DNS server the
firewall uses and masquerade their requests.  I'm using the latter
right now since I have never set up bind, and haven't gone through the
docs yet.



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