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Re: Building Samba 2.2.2 on Potato (SWAT problems)

I got it working. I scrubbed the Samba binary and source code directories and re-installed from a freshly pulled down source with the same ./configure parameters like before ad it works. No idea what caused it the first time. I have tried re-compiling a few times and it works flawlessly each time.


Bill Cooper wrote:

yep tried to log in as both root and another user that I added to Samba using the "smbpasswd" program and both users exist on the systems password files. In both cases the SWAT authentication fails, but I can use these users to access the shares. BTW this system never had the Debian Samba packages installed, so it can't be a conflict with an existing programs.


John Griffiths wrote:

tried logging into SWAT as root?

At 01:24 AM 12/5/01 -0400, William Cooper wrote:

Hello all,
  I'm trying to build Samba 2.2.2 on Potato (I need the pdc functions
for a demonstration of Linux replacing Win NT/2K), but I keep running
into a problem. I cannot get SWAT to authenticate any users to log in.
  I know that there is no problem with the user name and password,
because I can access the shares using them.

  I used the following command to configure the install:
configure --mandir=/usr/local/man --with-acl-support

  I used the following to build and install Samba:

make install /* as root */

  I added the lines for SWAT into the "inetd.conf" file for nmbd, smbd
and SWAT and made sure the appropriate lines existed in "services"
  So far the only way I have been able to get SWAT to work is to start
it with the "-a" option in "inetd.conf"

  The smb.conf file is as follows:

      workgroup = HOME
      server string = %h server (Samba %v)
      encrypt passwords = Yes

      comment = Home Directories
      read only = No
      create mask = 0700
      directory mask = 0700
      browseable = No

  Does anybody now what I'm doing wrong? I've tried the configure
command with and without any options and still get the same problem. If
anybody can give me a hand at solving this I would be most thankful.
  Oh yes.... This potato is completely stock, no testing or unstable
packages, kernel 2.2.18pre21. MD5 and shadow password enabled.


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