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Re: Slanderous articles

Dillo wrote:

> would you be interested in an article that lists you OS as a program
> tooled to hel teens become hackers?

Not particularly. It's either meant as humor or just plain stupid. In
this case, anyone with half a brain can tell it's a joke. I mean, it
lists the following as criteria for detecting that your teenage son may
be a hacker:

1. He wants to switch from AOL to another ISP
2. Hacking tools such as "Comet Cursor" and/or "Macromedia Flash" are
   installed on his computer
3. He wants hardware upgrades (specifically, a Matrox video card or an
   AMD processor -- what these might have to do with hacking is beyond
4. He reads "hacker's manuals" such as Neal Stephenson's "Snow Crash"
   and "Cryptonomicon", O'Reilly's "Programming in Perl", or Eric S.
   Raymond's "The Cathedral and the Bazaar"
5. He spends a lot of time online
6. He plays Quake (described as a "virtual-reality meeting place for
7. He is rebellious
8. He uses "Lunix" (described as an "illegal hacker OS" invented by a
   Soviet-era Russian by the name of "Linyos Torovoltos")
9. He wears baggy pants
10.His school grades are declining

This is an obvious parody of the old-fashioned "Is your teen a drug
user" or "Is your teen a delinquent" warning flyers that used to be
distributed by lunatic-fringe right-wing groups, which listed normal
characteristics of teenagers and claimed that they were evidence of drug
use or delinquency.

The real question at this point is whether you're so stupid that you
took this article seriously, or you're just trying to drum up traffic
for this web site.


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