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Fwd: failure notice

hey all

mutt .deb, packaged with potato 2.2.r4, acts weird with
my ancient .muttrc file

I wrote it for the same version packed in debian (1.2.5i)
and still, i can't get the From line, working like it
used to

I used to have something like:

From: Américo Rocha <astartoth@linuxkafe.net>
and now i get nothing. the other end, receives my email-address
in the from line

Any tips ?

Here's my .muttrc

#astartoth@linuxkafe.net muttrc!

ignore *
unignore from to cc subject date reply-to x-address x-organisation
hdr_order From From: To: Subject: Date: Reply-To: X-Adress: X-Organisation

#-pager related
set menu_scroll=yes
set beep_new=yes
unset arrow_cursor
set delete=yes
set ascii_chars=yes
set fast_reply=yes
set sort=reverse-date
unset pager_context
unset pager_index_lines
set pager_stop=yes
set mailcap_path=/etc/mailcap
set mailcap_sanitize=yes
set index_format="%4C %Z %[%b %d] %-15.15L (%4c) %s"
set status_format="-%r-Mutt: %f [Msgs:%?M?%M/?%m%?n? New:%n?%?o? Old:%o?%?d? Del:%d?%?F? Flag:%F?%?t? Tag:%t?%?p? Post:%p?%?b? Inc:%b?%?l? %l?]---(%s/%S)-%>-(%P)---"

#-"From" related
#set alternates="(webmaster|mail)@*.(linuxkafe).(net)
set envelope_from
set from="astartoth@linuxkafe.net"
set hidden_host
set hostname="linuxkafe.net"
set realname="Americo Rocha"
set reverse_name

#-mailing lists related
#unlists *
#lists novalug@tux.org
#unsubscribe *
#subscribe novalug@tux.org

#-folder related
set mbox_type=Maildir
set mbox="~/Maildir"
set postponed="~/Maildir/postponed"
set spoolfile="~/Maildir"
set record="~/Maildir/sent-email"
set tmpdir="~/Maildir/temporary"
set folder="~/Maildir"
set folder_format="%2C %t %N %F %2l %-8.8u %-8.8g %8s %d %f"
set confirmcreate=yes
set confirmappend=no
set copy=yes
unset collapse_unread
folder-hook . set sort=date
folder-hook '!' set sort=date
folder-hook novalug set sort=threads
save-hook '~C debian-dpkg' =debian-dpkg
save-hook '~C debian-user' =debian-user
save-hook '~C debian-user-portuguese' =debian-portuguese
save-hook '~C debian-security-annouce' =debian-security
#-misc options
set print_command="cat $1 | pr -t -o 5 -w 85 | lpr -Plp"
set print_decode=yes
macro index \eg "!fetchmail\n" "Fetch POP Mail"
macro index \eb '/~b ' 'search in message bodies'
macro pager \eg "!fetchmail\n" "Fetch POP Mail"
# set query_command="abook --mutt-query '%s'"
set send_charset="iso-8859-1"
set signature="~/.signature"
set smileys="(>From )|(:[-^]?[][)(><}{|/DP])"
set user_agent=yes
set weed=yes
set alias_format="%4n %t %-10a   %r"
set askcc=no
set attach_format="%u%D%I %t%4n %T%.40d%> [%.7m/%.10M, %.6e%?C?, %C?, %s] "
set attach_sep="\n"
set forw_format="Fwd: %s"
set attach_split=yes
set attribution="On %d, %n wrote:"
set autoedit=no
set auto_tag=no
set date_format="!%a, %b %d, %Y at %I:%M:%S%p %Z"
set edit_headers=no
set editor="/usr/bin/vim +':set textwidth=77' +':set wrap' +\`awk '/^$/{print i+2; exit} {i++}' %s\` %s""
# set editor="pico"
set visual="vim"
set charset="iso-8859-1"
set sendmail="/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject -h"
#set sendmail="/home/astar/bin/nbsmtp -d clix.pt -h linuxkafe.net -f astartoth@linuxkafe.net"
set fcc_attach=yes
set fcc_clear=no
unset help
set implicit_autoview=yes
set include=ask-yes
set in_reply_to="%i; from %a on %{!%a, %b %d, %Y at %I:%M:%S%p %Z}"
set locale="POSIX"
set nomark_old
unset markers
set quit=ask-yes
set allow_8bit
set abort_nosubject=no
set abort_unmodified=no
source ~/.muttaliases
set alias_file=~/.muttaliases
set mime_forward=ask-no
set mime_forward_rest=ask-no
unset save_empty
set nosig_dashes

#-autoview Stuff
auto_view application/x-gunzip
auto_view application/x-gzip
auto_view text/html text/enriched text/x-vcard 
auto_view application/x-zip-compressed
alternative_order text/plain text/html text/enriched
auto_view text/x-vcard
auto_view image/gif
auto_view image/jpeg
auto_view image/tiff
auto_view application/msword
auto_view application/pdf
auto_view application/postscript

#-fun related :-)
my_hdr X-Disclaimer: "There is no place like ~"
my_hdr  X-Operating-System: `uname -srm`

#-Color definitions
#-color normal white default
color hdrdefault white default
color quoted brightblue default
color signature red default
color indicator brightwhite blue
color error brightred default
color status white blue
color tree magenta default      
color tilde magenta default
color message brightcyan default
color markers brightcyan default
color attachment brightmagenta default
color search default green      
color header brightwhite default ^(From|Subject):
color body magenta default "(ftp|http)://[^ ]+" 
color body magenta default [-a-z_0-9.]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+    
color underline brightgreen default
# attributes when using a mono terminal
mono header underline ^(From|Subject):
mono quoted bold
push <show-version>

...there is no place like ~
              Americo Rocha

----- End forwarded message -----

...there is no place like ~
              Americo Rocha

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