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Re: X access

on Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 05:07:46PM +0100, Mirek Dobsicek (m.dobsicek@sh.cvut.cz) wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm logged at some distance server, let's say nany.somewhere.org
> and I'd like to launch mozilla on this server with output
> on my desktop. How can I do this?
> I tried:
> export DISPLAY=mycomp.here.org:0
> mozilla &
> and get this error:
> _X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
> I know there is some authorization trick :-( ples help.

In general, you don't want to do this.

You'll find that newer Debian installs set nolist tcpip in their X
configurations.  This can be overridden.  Don't.

SSH X11 forwarding is the way to fly, as you've found.

Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>       http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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