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Re: Recognizing Kernel Update to 2.4.12

* eDoc (e.net@verizon.net) babbled:
> Somewhere folks are assuming that I am taking a step that they have not
> explicitly stated and thus the creation of the critical kernel-source in the
> necessary format in the necessary location is not happening.

okay.  the following steps assume that linux-2.4.12.tar.gz is located in
/usr/src and that nothing else is in /usr/src.  (NOTE: if anything else
is in /usr/src it won't affect anything other than what you see in the
ls command listed below).

# cd /usr/src
# rm -rf linux
# tar xfvz linux-2.4.12.tar.gz
... tons of messages ...
# ls
linux  linux-2.4.12.tar.gz
# cd linux

you are now in your linux source directory.  try executing whatever
commands you need.  from this point on, /usr/src/linux is your source
directory (sometimes referred to as the "source tree").
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| http://www.exitwound.org : hard to find       |
| Start every day off with a smile and get it   |
| over with. -- W.C. Fields                     |
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 --------------END GEEK CODE BLOCK--------------

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