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Re: video ram?

On 04-Oct 08:09, parn wrote:
> O.k.  so about 4mb is ok.  I am using X with gnome/enlightenment.  I guess my real question would be where and how to add the append = .  
> would this be correct:
> append videoram = 4000000
> or am i still clueless???
> Again thank-you to any that reply!

I noticed your first message, but didn't notice if you are talking about the
kernel messages (I assume because you are asking about lilo appends) that
your video card will take ~340Megs of memory. If so, don't worry about it,
as that is the kernel agp driver letting you know how much memory it could
_possibly_ use. The way memory use is reported in linux doesn't help much,
as a ps listing will show XFree86 using huge amounts of memory (with video
card now shipping with 64Megs). If you really want to limit the amount of
memory your video card uses (in X) that is something you change in the
/etc/X11/XF86Config (XF86Config-4 if using X-4.x.x). Note you won't like
performance/look of you desktop if you cut it down to 4Megs of memory use
(lower resolution and less colors). 

Linux is a modern operating system that has and _uses_ virtual memory. Only
worry about memory use if you start to swap stuff out (watching the output
of "vmstat 1" in a xterm can be informative.)

Anyway, just another $0.02.

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