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Re: mutt related

On Sat, Sep 29, 2001 at 02:33:09AM -0700, Ben Hartshorne wrote:

>> On Sat, Sep 29, 2001 at 11:15:04AM +0300, Jussi Ekholm wrote:
>> I'm not sure, but you might be looking for aliases. Put something
>> like this in your ~/.muttrc;
>> alias <name> <address> [ , <address> ... ]
> Instead of manually adding aliases to your .muttrc, if the "alias-file"
> variable is set, the default binding of the 'a' key in the index and the
> pager adds an alias from the currently selected message to your
> addressbook.  

Ah, thank you. It's funny; I've used Mutt for quite a bit time now,
and I haven't come across that. :-P Well, I've never really looked
into Mutt deeper than surface, just been reading and writing my mails
with it. This indeed, comes handy. 

> To use these aliases, you must also load the alias-file somewhere in
> your .muttrc by adding the line 'source ~/.addressbook' replacing
> ~/.addressbook with the name you choose.
> Example: I recieve a message from newUser@debian.org.  I type 'a' and it
> prompts me to enter a nickname: 'bie'.  From then on, when I type 'bie'
> in the To: field, 'newUser@debian.org' is substituted.

I set up an own address book, and it "cleared" up things once again.
Now the addresses aren't in a configuration file, but nicely in a
different file altogether. Once more, thanks. I doubt I would've ever 
come aware of this, if someone wouldn't have told me.

Jussi Ekholm,		 "Everything is so fine it could be
a little, ill flower   	  don't let your mind take you in misery
ekhowl@goa-head.org	  all the feelings you're not so much pleased
http://oghabe.cjb.net	  they're just to take you to sweet harmony"

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