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sendmail or perl: which is the bad one..


Just wanted to do a minor tweak to my sendmail-config at home, whilst 
 stumbling into:

root@wz:/etc/mail# sendmailconfig
Configure sendmail with the existing /etc/mail/sendmail.mc? [Y]
Updating sendmail environment ...
Character class syntax [: :] is reserved for future extensions at
 /usr/share/sendmail/parse_mc line 246.
Character class syntax [: :] is reserved for future extensions at
 /usr/share/sendmail/parse_mc line 246.
Character class syntax [: :] is reserved for future extensions at
 /usr/share/sendmail/parse_mc line 262.
<repeat ad nauseam>

Well, looking into the file mentioned at line 246:
 if (/^[[:space:]]*`?define\([[:space:]]*`?MAIL_SETTINGS_DIR/ ..

So, ist this perl understanding the [[:space:]]-token not as a "normal" 
 (for me) regex does, or is it in the sendmail-config?

root@wz:/etc/mail# /usr/bin/perl --version
This is perl, version 5.005_03 built for i386-linux

(I have both 5.004.05-6 and 5.005.03-7.1 installed, don´t ask me why, 
 apt did it ;-) )

sendmail is "8.11.3+8.12.0.Beta7-8".

Any ideas/help/advice? Seems that I´m out of my league here.

-- find / -name *base* -exec chown us:us {} \;
-- su -c someone 'export UP_US=thebomb'
-- for f in great justice ; do sed -e 's/zig//g' < $f ; done
-- - AYBABTU, sysadmin-version

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