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Real Player as Plug-in

surely, I'm missing something here.  I've spent quite a bit of time over two 
days looking in the archives, but still haven't a clue.

I've downloaded and installed the realplayer package, which apparently 
debianizes and then installs the rp8_linux20_libc6_i386_cs2_rpm file 
previously downloaded from real.com  

however, when i open the "about plugins" in netscape navigator, it shows the 
rpm extension as being the only ones associated with the plug in.  i have 
added the following to the helper applications:
description:  real player
MIMEType:  audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin
Suffixes:  ra,ram

checked the box to make this default and checked the rpnp.so plug in.

real audio works as a stand alone from my box, but not as a helper app.  this 
is a woody box with kernel 2.2.19 installed.

any ideas?



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