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traffic shaping advice sought

we operate a linux router on a 8kbps isdn connection - needless to
say, this bandwidth requires some form of shaping, because 8kbps is
quickly used up by one client only, rendering all other workstations
in the network virtually without network traffic - linux routing
doesn't seem to be advanced enough so as to give other connections a
chance when one is going 100% already.

so i am looking for traffic shaping methods, kernel based. right now,
i think there is the traffic shaper in ther kernel, but also QoS and
fair queuing. i am looking for some advice on what to choose.

basically, i would like to set up a default shaper, which will give
full bandwidth to the first client, but as soon as a second client
contacts, it fairly divides 50-50. the third client will reduce that
to 33-33-33, the fourth to 25-25-25-25 and so on.

however, i would like to be able to set a maximum on individual
bandwidth by IP or MAC address in addition to this default behavior. i
can use iptables if that's necessary.

any thoughts appreciated!

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
stay the patient course.
of little worth is your ire.
the network is down.

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