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Re: adding multiple users, newuser? and vim

on Sat, Aug 25, 2001 at 07:29:57PM -0600, Cameron Matheson (cmatheson3@yahoo.com) wrote:
> On 25 Aug 2001 18:19:53 -0700, Osamu Aoki wrote:
> > Writing TEXT processing script in BASH is just a quick job.  For real
> > world needs, use AWK (See Karsten's answer to your post), PERL, or PYTHON.
> Don't forget Ruby :)
> Sorry, but it's my favorite... i just need to start learning it better


Actuallly, I should be forcing myself to use Python, but habits die hard
and I just know my way around sed and awk pretty well, so they're the
first thing I turn to when a shell script stops being what I want.

I've actually updated my AWK script to something more full-featured.

Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>          http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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#!/usr/bin/awk -f

# Script to create a file suitable for use in the 'newusers' command,
# from a file consisting of user IDs and passwords in the form:
# First Last password
# Copyright (c) KMSelf Sat Aug 25 20:47:38 PDT 2001
# Distributed under GNU GPL v 2, or at your option, any later version.
# This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.

    # Assign starting UID, GID
    if ( ARGC > 2 ) {
	startuid = ARGV[1]
	delete ARGV[1]
    else {
        printf( "Usage:  newusers <startUID> <file>\n" \
	  "...where startUID is the starting userid to add, and file is \n" \
	  "an input file in form <first name> <last name> <password>\n" \


    infile = ARGV[1]
    printf( "Starting UID: %s\n\n", startuid )

/^#/ { next }

    first = $1
    last = $2
    passwd = $3
    user= substr( tolower( first ), 1, 1 ) tolower( last )
    uid = startuid + record - 1
    gid = uid
    printf( "%s:%s:%d:%d:%s %s,,/home/%s:/bin/bash\n",  \
	user, passwd, uid, gid, first, last, user \

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