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Re: mozilla fonts giant-sized

Despite my having done nothing, appearance is back to normal.

(I did lots of things yesterday, but none of them had any effect.
I've since shut down and restarted the computer.  I also forgot to
mention that immediately before the unpleasantness I installed


On Mon, Aug 13, 2001 at 07:12:37PM -0700, Ross Boylan wrote:
> I recently installed mozilla on woody.  It was working OK,
> though a bit crash prone.
> Now when I start it the controls are absolutely enormous: for example,
> 3 lines of a drop down menu fills the screen, and the window is many
> times wider than my monitor. 
> Shortly before this I set my default home page to blank.  I also
> logged off and shut the system down with mozilla running.
> I've also noticed it starts quite slowly, and appears to have some
> conflict with squeak (over sound?) so that sometimes I must close
> squeak to get mozilla to launch.
> Has anyone experienced similar problems, or have any suggestions for
> fixing them?  I tried to manipulate the preferences, but because of
> the sizes I wasn't' successful.
> Thanks.

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