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Re: Newbie Tips: Will, you asked.....

On Thu, Jul 12, 2001 at 05:12:05AM -0700, Hamma Scott wrote:
> --- Joost Kooij <joost@topaz.mdcc.cx> wrote:
> > Did you know that on the console, you can also use
> > leftalt+cursor{left,right}
> > to change vt's?  Going back to X from vc1 is as
> > simple as leftalt-cursorleft.
> So, to go through all virtual consoles would be
> Left Alt-F1 throught Left Alt-F6 and Left Alt <Arrow
> Left>....or Left Ctrl-Alt F7 to get in X. To get out
> of X, Left Ctrl-Alt [F1-F6]. Way Cool!

You can in fact allocate more consoles than there are function keys.
To switch to vc[13..24] (if allocated), use right alt + function keys.
In /etc/inittab, you can add getty's to enable more virtual consoles
with a login.  The default is 6.

Or try: "X :1 vt14", it will start an xserver on vc14.  From vc1, left
alt + left arrow will bring you to the xserver, as will right alt + <F2>.
The right alt key doesn't work in X11 though, only on the linux console.



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