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Re: Would like to ask for some information regarding about debian's installation

D-Man wrote:
> I guess you mean that you are in 10th grade (or your local equivalent)
> because middle school is really young to be understanding how Unix (or
> computers in general) work.

OTOH, we've had debian developers who joined while in middle school
(though I think all of them are in high school or higher now). And if
you'd told me I didn't understand computers when I was in middle school,
I'd have begged to differ. (I was doing farily low-level programming
that required a basic understanding of the fundamentals of computers in
6th grade, and programmed my first BASIC and LOGO in 3rd-4th grade..)

To get back to the original question, it's possible to build dbootstrap
in a special mode that lets it be run on an already installed system.
If built in this mode it can be run in an xterm and screenshots taken.
Just be careful and don't format any disks or anything. :-) Grab the
boot-floppies source and hunt around for details. Or use vmware or
something like that..

see shy jo

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