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Re: GTK Errors using GNOME in Testing

On Tue, Jul 03, 2001 at 11:59:40PM -0700, Mark Wagnon wrote:
| Hi all,
| I did an upgrade tonight and decided to take a look at GNOME after a
| brief stint with KDE. Anyway, I noticed that things were pretty slow
| when it came to GNOME-ified apps. The control panel and gmc took their
| sweet time in launching and moving from section to section under the
| control panel was equally slow. I decided to take a look at the

I don't know why it would be slow for you.  It is nice and fast for
me.  I really like GNOME (with Sawfish as window manager).

| console I started the X session from and there was a screenfull of
| error messages like so:
|   Gtk-WARNING **: gtk_signal_disconnect_by_data(): could not find handler containing data (0xE23EADO)

I ignore these.  I see lots of similar messages from a lot of
GTK/GNOME apps.  They are just warnings, but the app probably ought to
check the condition first so you don't get the warning.

| Interspersed were a few of these messages:
|   /bin/sh: esd: command not found
| Does anyone know what might be the culprit for the first? And just
| what is esd? I searched the package directories on the Debian site and
| came up empty handed. It is that sound server thing? 

Yes "Enlightened Sound Daemon".  I don't have a sound card in this
box, but I used to have one and it could only play 1 sound at a time.
So if I had WinAmp going, and I was working on a presentation in
PowerPoint, I wouldn't notice that ppt had a default sound to go with
the animation.  I found out when I started the presentation in class
(true story!).  When you use ESD, it controls the sound card (/dev/dsp
usually, I think).  Then apps that want to play a sound request it
from esd, and esd mixes all the wavs together so that your sound card
plays all of them.  Reallly cool!  I guess you don't have it
installed.  Try the search on file names in packages.


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