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Re: /etc/apt/preferences

Am 07. Jun, 2001 schwäzte Joey Hess so:

> I think you must understand those docs better than most of us. I've been

Who would understand it best? Presumably someone knows what it's supposed to

> using a simple pin-to-testing with unstable available on command, but I
> barely understand how even it works.

I've been using custom configs for apt to get similar behavior for more than
a year, but that was a pain to make available for others.
/etc/apt/preferences does not only more and better, but it's built in and
easy to use ( once I'm sure I understand it :).

> Would you be interested perhaps in expanding the man page some to make
> it a little more clear to us mortals?

Actually, I was hoping that after I was certain I understand it some of my
suggestions would be incorporated into the docs :). I will be adding this
info to a local version of debian-guide, upon which I'm basing an internal
sys_adm class I'm giving at work next week. I will also be posting to my
local LUGs.

As for the mere mortal part you read waaaay too much email to be mortal :).


# der.hans@LuftHans.com home.pages.de/~lufthans/ www.DevelopOnline.com
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