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Re: ext2 fs question

On Wed, Jun 06, 2001 at 04:13:09PM -0500, Andrew D Dixon uttered:
> What I'm trying to figure out specifically is if I have a file, or a
> directory, at the beginning of my disk and it start to get bigger and
> bigger will it push the rest of the file system towards the end of the
> disk or will it just write all of the new bits at the end of the disk?
Writing to a drive does not work like this.
All a directory is a list of inodes. (In the case of ext2, anyway), so if
you add files to the directory, the new inodes (which can, and usually are,
all over the disk) will be appended to the list.

  "I'm a sysadmin because I couldn't beat a blind monkey in a coding contest."

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