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Re: ftp "reget" via netscape?

On Wed, Jun 06, 2001 at 02:06:44PM +1000, Alan E Davis wrote:
> One of my reasons for not liking web browsers is their handling of FTP. 
> Almost always, if a file transfer has been interrupted, it is necessary to
> restart from the beginning.  
> However, on my sid machine, at home, I was able to ftp a partially
> completed file, and the ftp process restarted, didn't have to start again.
> So I tried again at school, on a woody machine.  BOth machines are running
> netscape 4.77 installed from upstream tar balls, not using the debian
> installer.  This time, netscape is starting from the beginning of the
> file, again.
> What can I do, if anything, to set this up as a default?

Right-Click -> Copy Link Location

$ wget <paste link here>

wget is a pretty nice file grabber... AFAIK, there's nothing to be done
about Netscrape (Mozilla seems to have the same behavior).  I'll give
the browser's the benefit of the doubt here as they're trying not to
pollute your hard drive with unusable files...

Eric G. Miller <egm2@jps.net>

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