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Re: Babel and LaTeX

Pietro Cagnoni <pcagnoni@mclink.net> writes:

> > OK, so it doesn't find Norwegian language support for hyphenation.
> > How do I get this?  I cannot understand which package I should
> > install.  (I have inorwegian, ispell, tetex-base, tetex-bin, tetex-doc
> > and tetex-extra packages installed.)
> use the texconfig command as root. it's menu-driven, and will allow you
> to edit the config file for hyphenation. uncomment the norsk line, and
> save.

My texconfig doesn't seem to be the menuversion.

I had to run the command ''texconfig hyphen latex'' and learn how to
use vi :) and then it worked.

Thank you for your quick reply, also to Alexis Roda.

Ole Sebastian Stein
osstein@stud.ntnu.no / osstein@opera.com

``It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems with just
potatoes.'' - Life, the universe and everything (Chapter 24), D. Adams

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