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Printing to an HP 1220C/PS "postscript" printer


I just bought a "postscript capable" inktjet printer from HP
(HP1220C) which turns out to be a regular PCL3 enhanced printer
with some Windows software that does the conversion from Postscript
to PCL3 enhanced (HP Belgium wasn't even aware this of this "software only
feature" >-( ).
Anyway since my network is mostly Unix based (Debian and Solaris) I need
to find a way to get the bloody thing to print Postscript files. I tried
ghostscript but I only succeeded in getting A4 300x300 dpi (the printer should
be capable of at least A3 600x600 dpi) and that's realy not enough.
I'll settle for a Windows based solution if necessary (and print through
samba, note: I tried the Adobe Pressready Basics software supplied with
the printer which is supposed to be a portscript driver for windows but
it still prints my postscript files as regular ASCII).

Has anybody had any success with printing to an HP 1220C ?

Thanks in advance,


 "It has been said that there are only two businesses that
  refer to customers as users: illegal drug trade and
               the computer industry." 
Nico De Ranter
Sony Service Center (SDCE/NEE-B)
Sint Stevens Woluwestraat 55 (Rue de Woluwe-Saint-Etienne)
1130 Brussel (Bruxelles), Belgium, Europe, Earth
Telephone: +32 2 724 86 41 Telefax: +32 2 726 26 86
e-mail: nico.deranter@sonycom.com

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