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root owner (or group) of lot of files in ~erik?

  I have just found out that ~erik/.Xauthority is owned by root and I
cannot access my X server (I couldn't run any X applications).

  I have no idea how that happened, I have started additional X server
as root (startx -- :1), just like many times before, doing some testing
of mouse settings.

  and now I checked more and I see that huge number of files in my home
directory (10813out of 122342 (that includes ., .. and directories) have
group set to root. Some files have group set to users. Most of them have
group set to erik.

erik disk audio dip www-data video
jojda:~>grep erik /etc/passwd
erik:x:1000:1000:Erik Steffl,,,:/home/erik:/usr/bin/tcsh

  examples of files:

-rw-r--r--    1 erik     users     1910784 May  1 23:08


-rw-r--r--    1 erik     root          143 Nov  3  2000 Miro Zbirka -
-rw-r--r--    1 erik     users     4390912 Nov  3  2000

  note the same date on the last two of them - it was probably same
gnapster session...

  most (all?) of the fiels with groups = users was downloaded by
napster, but I don't see any pattern to the files where group is set to

  and the most puzzling is the .Xauthority - how could the permission be

  any ideas? TIA


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