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Disable bootps/netbios

I discovered something weird :)
When doing a 'nmap -v localhost' I see;

Port    State       Protocol  Service
21      open        tcp        ftp
22      open        tcp        ssh
25      open        tcp        smtp
80      open        tcp        http
110     open        tcp        pop-3

And that's just what I want :) but when I do it remotely is see something
21      open        tcp        ftp
22      open        tcp        ssh
25      open        tcp        smtp
67      filtered    tcp        bootps
80      open        tcp        http
110     open        tcp        pop-3
137     filtered    tcp        netbios-ns
138     filtered    tcp        netbios-dgm
139     filtered    tcp        netbios-ssn

I have NO nfs or samba server running or installed on my system. I disabled
portmap with an exit 0 @ the beginning of the script in /ect/init.d/portmap
because I simply don't need it.
The only thing I want to do is Serve http files and deliver mail, do some
ftp and ssh and that's it :)
I know questions are ALWAYS good and never stupid...but also for a new kid
on the block? :-)

Greetzz Kleinejan

K I L L Y O U R D A R L I N G S . N L
2e goudsbloemdwarsstraat 21
+31(0)20-6 123 830

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