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Re: Can anyone help me with a modem problem ?

On Wed, 16 May 2001 at 11:27:16 PDT Ricardo Maurcio wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm now using com3 irq 3... cause irq 4 would mess with com1... but i've
> tried using minicom to dial to my isp and staying connected for a long
> time... but after a few seconds i get disconnected, also with pppd, i dial..
> stablish a connection, and after a few secs, minutes at the most, i get
> suddenly disconnected... i've disabled the call waiting feature of my phone
> line but still get disconnected...
> I really don't know what to do... i want to use this modem :/
(rest of quote ommitted)

What are you seeing in /var/log/messages ?  
(use "tail -f /var/log/messages" before you initiate the connection.)
This will tell you about the interaction with the isp.

If you are sure it's a modem problem and not a setup problem you can read 
the modem-HOWTO (in /usr/share/doc/HOWTO) for a primer on troubleshooting 
your modem. There is a section (18.5) listing web sites with modem info. 
<http://www.teleport.com/~curt/modems.html> was particularly educational 
for me.

I'm sorry this became a sort of polite version of "RTFM" but I can't 
really help without more specific info about the problem.  I hope that 
I've been somewhat helpfull.


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