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Re: 3dfx owners: Anyone here lose keyboard/mouse focus?

Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> dear all,
> i have a voodoo 5, and it has problems losing focus in fast games like
> quake3 and unreal tourny.   does anyone here have the same problem?

voodoo3 here, no problems. i purchased a 3500 right after 3dfx went
under so im set for another couple years :) i knew that voodoo5 support
was not up to a level i find acceptable(same for nvidia geforce) so i
have and will continue to avoid them until things have stabilized.

i play UT daily with no problems. never ever have a crash. never
have anything go wrong. it works too well. same for voodoo3 2000
and 3000 and voodoo banshee.

as for linux.3dfx.com i think its down for good. i believe that
linuxgames.com(?) mirrored the files before it went under so
if there are specific files you need try there.

oh, and i should mention im running potato, Xfree86 3.3.6
and linux 2.2.17(self rolled..)


ICQ: 75132336

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