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Re: ipchains - correction

Daniel Jones wrote:
> On Sat, 24 Feb 2001 21:13:45 -0500, Daniel Jones
> <ddjones@speakeasy.org> wrote:
> >Can anyone shed any light on the situation with ipchains?
> >
> >It doesn't seem to be included in the stable distribution.
> >It is in woody but it requires libc6_2.1.95-1, which does
> >NOT seem to be in woody, despite the claims of the debian
> >web site.
> That should be iptables, not ipchains.  Doh!

i don't use woody/testing but this is what i'd think:

- 2.4 isn't standard in woody(from what i've see posted on
the list) so I wouldn't expect tools that depend on 2.4 to be there.

- woody is now "testing" I believe, and things do not go into
"testing" until they no longer have release critical bugs and
haven't had a bug filed against them in X days or something. so
chances are the package(s) just haven't been declared stable enough
to go into woody, in which case you'd need to get them from sid
(unstable). either that or they were ONCE in woody but then had
a release critical bug filed and were removed(and the website hasn't
been updated since..or something)

my 0.01


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