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Re: [jimg@cray.com: X can't find font 'fixed' and I'm going nuts!]

On Fri, Feb 23, 2001 at 10:39:01PM -0700, Jimmy Richards wrote:
> Hello There Branden,
> Try installing 'xfs'. Hurry, hurry... get your xfs now while they're hot!
> hehe....
> All joking aside.... hope that helps. Here's what I got installed....
> xfonts-100dpi
> xfonts-75dpi (although i'm just using the 100dpi)
> xfonts-base
> xfonts-scalable
> xfs

Er, thanks for the help, but I think you might have missed the fact that I
forwarded the message from another person.  jimg@cray.com is the person to
whom you should reply.

It was mailed to me directly, since some people seem to think they will get
help faster and better if they mail a package maintainer privately.

BTW, with the default X configurations generated by dexconf in unstable,
installing the X font server should not be necessary.  But I suspect the
person who mailed me was not using a dexconf-generated file, but possibly
some hand-rolled one, with problems.

G. Branden Robinson             |   Human beings rarely imagine a god that
Debian GNU/Linux                |   behaves any better than a spoiled child.
branden@debian.org              |   -- Robert Heinlein
http://www.debian.org/~branden/ |

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