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Fwd: Squid debconf

Here's a message I sent to the Squid maintainer yesterday.  I still haven't 
heard back from them regarding my suggestion, and the maintainer is active 
(and it's not something I really want to adopt even if the maintainer is 
willing) so if the Miquel doesn't like the idea then it won't get done.

Please send me any comments you have.

----------  Forwarded Message  ----------
Subject: Squid debconf
Date: Fri,  5 Jan 2001 17:08:55 +1100 (EST)
From: rjc@dycom.com.au (Russell Coker)
To: miquels@cistron.nl, russell@coker.com.au

I have been thinking about debconf and Squid.  I think that there are three
sections of the Squid configuration.  One is the section for IP addresses and
ports which could also contain the size of the squid cache and similar
parameters.  This could be easily setup through debconf.
Another section is the things that most people want to hack with (like the
refresh_pattern lines) but which can't be debconf'd.
Another section is ACLs and other things that most people don't want to
touch and which can't be debconf'd.

I suggest that we have a directory /etc/squid which contains files named
squid-debconf.conf, squid-main.conf, and squid-acl.conf.  Then we have a
Makefile which has the following:

all: squid.conf

squid.conf: squid-debconf.conf squid-main.conf squid-acl.conf
	echo "# This file is auto-generated do not edit." > squid.conf
	cat $^ >> squid.conf

So now we can have debconf for the stuff debconf is capable of and two
files for different parts of the other Squid configuration (so if a user
doesn't change one of them then they get the defaults on the next upgrade

What do you think?

I think that if I write this and you accept the patch then I will save
more time on Squid maintenance than I spend writing the debconf code (I
am responsible for many Debian machines running Squid).

Please let me know ASAP what you think of this suggestion.  If you like it
then I'll start coding immidiately!

Russell Coker


http://www.coker.com.au/bonnie++/     Bonnie++ hard drive benchmark
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