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Re: help debugging a compiler error (cpp)

>>>>> Jonathan Markevich writes:

    jm> And mine...

    jm> fennywood:/usr/src# update-alternatives --display cc
    jm> cc - status is auto.
    jm>  link currently points to /usr/bin/gcc
    jm> /usr/bin/gcc - priority 20
    jm>  slave cc.1.gz: /usr/share/man/man1/gcc.1.gz
    jm> Current est' version is /usr/bin/gcc.                                                        
    jm> I have no idea where it gets the idea there's a cc1 somewhere... 

Because there should be a cc1 somewhere (mine's at
/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-linux/2.95.2/cc1).  gcc stands for GNU Compiler
Collection; there's a lot more programs in there than just a
compiler.  cc1 is the name of the compiler IIRC.  Anyway, if it can't
be found, you probably ought to reinstall gcc.


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