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Re: Group `disk'

Tom Huckstep <tomhuckstep@bigfoot.com> writes:

>  > Yup, you can write on /dev/hda, format it, whatever you like, if you're
>  > in "disk".
> This seems a big security risk just so I can play audio CDs.  Is there
> a better way to give a user the ability to play CDs without giving
> them permissions to wipe my hard disk?

I moved my /dev/hdc (my cdrom) into the group 'cdrom' and added myself
to this group.

Moritz Schulte <moritz@chaosdorf.de> http://hp9001.fh-bielefeld.de/~moritz/
Debian/GNU supporter - http://www.debian.org/ http://www.gnu.org
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