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Re: netbase & nfs server

On Sat, Nov 18, 2000 at 12:25:42PM +0100, Johannes Zellner wrote:
> no. This is not the problem. The problem is that the
> new netbase is somehow broken. With the new netbase,
> programs like ifconfig and ping are missing, I don't
> know if this is related.

It was the problem you presented last time. You never mentioned
that ifconfig and ping are missing.

ifconfig is in net-tools and ping is in netkit-ping or iptools-ping 
try installing those packages.

You may also need to install portmap -package as it was separated from
netbase, IIRC. Why nfs(-kernel)-server is not dependant on portmapper, I
don't know, maybe it's worth filing a bug report.

> Is someone running netbase > 4 successfully (working
> nfs server for example ?)

netbase 4.05, portmap 5 and nfs-kernel-server 0.2.1 and works just fine.

Tommi Komulainen                               Tommi.Komulainen@iki.fi

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