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Re: How stable are the XFree86 4 packages?

On Mon, Nov 06, 2000 at 01:47:21AM -0000, soluzar75@lineone.net wrote:
> OK, I know that they're not really reccomended for the average user 
> yet, but I wanna try them out so bad! :-)

> I've got a K6-500, 64Mb ram, Voodoo 3 w/16Mb, and I'm running a 
> mostly potato system. What I would like to know is: Would I be 
> better off trying to install the whole of woody, or building the 
> packages for potato, or just waiting until the next stable release?

I can't speak from personal experience, as I traded in my Voodoo3 for
a Matrox G400 .... but if you want to mess around with XFree86 4.0.x,
you really should go ahead and move to woody. So the question really 
becomes ... are you willing to put up with woody and/or do you feel
confident enough that you can handle the _unstable_ version of Debian.

I would never recommend a person who is running potato to start using
the XFree86 4.0.x ... potato is called _stable_ for a reason, and if 
you start introducing such wildcards as XFree86 4.0.x, well you're 
pretty much shooting to hell the whole "stability" thing. In which case
you might as well upgrade to woody ... which brings us back around to
the former point.

I ran stable for quite a while, and finally decided that since this is
just a home PC, and I do make very regular backups (once a week), that
I could deal with unstable's temper tantrums. I have heard that getting
3D acceleration in XFree86 4.0.x with a Voodoo3 card can be aggravating,
so you might want to look at some documentation, and/or mailing list 
archives before you take the plunge, if indeed you decide to do so.


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