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Re: New user rant..urr, questions.

In reply to: will trillich (will@serensoft.com)

>> --+ Anyhow.  I would like some user help.  I need a set of
>> links pointing towards user stories on Debian, as well as
>> various other user pages.  There are no links on
>> http://www.debian.org and I couldn't find a webring with a
>> couple of quick searches.
>interesting. i think most user-contributed help on debian
>probably falls under 'generic linux war stories' which would
>indeed make it hard to find...

--+ This is extremely unfortunate.  I had also noticed this.
The one thing the internet lacks is proper authoritative
organization.  Not that I advocate dictatorship, but
it would be nice to have recognized authorities
(like www.debian.org) handling a webring or similar.

>but folks like kmself (http://www.netcom.com/~kmself) do
>occasionally post useful intro/howto/what-the documents that
>might qualify...

--+ Thanks, I'll add that to the list of resarch items.

>> --+ I would like to document my experiences with Debian,
>> essay-style, to contribute to the efforts.
>please do!

--+ Heh, you might regret that comment later  =)

>> My gift of finding problems with software will kick in.. I'll
>> take notes and review the software so hopefully everything
>> will be reproducable.  IF Debian manages to miraculously
>> survive the ordeal, I will have an archive filled with
>> screenshots, doodles and essays describing how it can be made
>> even better.  But that's for later.
>for capturing an install via console, use 'script' in case
>you're not familiar with it... not good to use when your cursor
>is hopping all around (as in an editor or an n-curses dialog)
>but great for capturing all the text flying by...

--+ Urm, I only barely grasp what you said, but I understand
the principle.  That's one of the things I was looking for.

>> And so I'm left here.  Don't let me down.
>the number of satisfied debian folk seems large enough that
>whether or not you're disappointed will ultimately rest on the
>lump between your very own shoulders. mine likes it.

I'm willing to do the footwork.  I'm getting so sick
of the current condition of computers these days..

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