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Re: speaker volume

Console shmonsole. What you want to do is open up the machine, find the 
speaker, rip it out, and throw it somewhere far. Note the place where it 
lands though. If your motherboard/memory/cache ever fails you might need
the speaker to beep X number of times to identify the problem. 
I think the answer to your question is something like 

echo -e "\\33[10;${HERTZ}]\\33[11;${MILLISECONDS}]" >> /dev/console

where HERTZ is the frequency you desire and MILLISECONDS is the duration.
I usually set both to zero and put the whole thing in my ~/.bashrc.


On Fri, 1 Sep 2000, Stefan Nantz wrote:

> Hello All,
> every time the PCMCIA gets started it beebs very loudly. how can I change the
> speker volume from the console ?
> Best Regards
> Stefan 
> -- 
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