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Security Flaws on Slashdot

Hey Fellas,

I noticed this posted on slashdot, this bloke seems to make some valid points, In my mind Debian is
still the best distro however I consider this constructive criticism.


Peter Firmstone

N.B. Please don't flame the guy, he's got balls to post this but if its true he's doing us a favour
in the long term. If we as users can get in and assist the developers in any way we can it should
help make their job's easier, remembering they volunteer their time, and do a damn fine job too!

(taken from http://securityportal.com/closet/ )

August 30, 2000 - I wanted to write a really
                     positive article about Debian 2.2, which was
                     just released a few weeks ago.
                     Unfortunately, I can't. While Debian itself is a
                     reasonably well-done Linux distribution, it
                     has some major security issues.

                     Before you flame me, please read the entire
                     article. I realize there are a lot of nice things
                     about Debian, but I've also found a lot of
                     problems. The odd thing is that Debian seems
                     to have gotten the niggly little details right, but there are major issues
they haven't

                     Default Installation

                     I did several installations, and I can safely say I don't terribly like the
defaults Debian
                     uses. The first thing I noticed was that while formatting the disk, Debian
defaults to
                     an enormous / partition and a swap partition. Unless you use quotas, a user
can easily
                     fill up the disk (/home/username, /tmp, /var/spool/mail/username, etc.). While
                     certain percentage is reserved for root, that doesn't help other users much.
                     Admittedly, most distributions (or operating systems in general, for that
fact) don't do
                     a great job of this. But there are a few, like Red Hat, that do.

                     The next default that really ticks me off is the password encryption scheme -
                     default is to use crypt. You can also use MD5, but there is a warning about
                     compatibility. crypt passwords are trivial to brute-force when compared to
                     ones. Debian now uses PAM. Causing problems is relatively rare, unless you
                     some truly ancient software with no PAM support.

                     Moving on. Once the basic install is done, you will discover that several
services are
                     enabled in inetd that shouldn't be. Discard, daytime, time, shell, login, and
exec (r
                     services) are all enabled by default, few of which (none, in my opinion) are
                     on modern systems. You definitely want to disable these by commenting them out
                     inetd and restarting inetd or rebooting the system. If you need to test
                     use ping; to synchronize clocks, xntp; to use r services, install OpenSSH or
SSH and
                     use the secure replacements.

                     Some minor points of light: gnuplot needs to be installed setuid root for
users to use
                     console SVGA - the default is no. This is good, since any users that need SVGA
                     local and can probably be trusted (they have physical access, after all).
                     users do not need it.

                     Exim (if configured during install) gives you the option to use the RBL
                     Blackhole List). Unfortunately, it looks like RBL has not been working
properly since
                     August 10th. The config also prompts you to set the user account that root's
                     will be sent to, generally a good idea.

                     General Problems

                     dpkg - My main beef with dpkg is the lack of package signing support. Unlike
                     dpkg does not support the signing of packages with GnuPG or PGP. This is
                     important, since verifying the software you are installing prevents people
                     getting you to install Trojan horses.

                     As an example, the ftp site ftp.win.tue.nl was cracked into some time ago, and

                     several packages were replaced with Trojaned versions. TCP_WRAPPERS was
                     compromised, among other things. Over 50 people downloaded these packages
                     before someone noticed they were not properly signed with PGP, and raised the

                     MD5 signatures can be used, but the attacker will modify those if possible, so
                     must somehow get the MD5 sums from a trusted host (https:// for example). This
                     extremely impractical and generally a pain for most users. OTOH GnuPG-signed
                     RPMs are simply verified with "rpm --checksig," and the public key for the
                     only needs to be downloaded once.

                     It is far from difficult for an attacker to hit your DNS server and poison it,
i.e. pointing
                     ftp.crc.ca to the IP of a server they control. Then, the next time you upgrade
or install
                     packages, you get modified software which lets the attacker take over your
                     remotely. They can also simply break into an ftp server and replace the
                     Chances are they would not be discovered for some time, and even when they
                     contacting all the people that downloaded software is a difficult task.

                     Hopefully, dpkg will be changed in the near future to support signing of
                     especially with GPL-licensed software such as GnUPG now available.

                     Home directories for users in Debian are by default world readable and
                     (to change into a directory, you need executable permission). This is a very
bad idea.
                     It is made even worse by the fact that the default umask is 022. This is the
default in
                     most other distros as well, but because the home directories are world
readable, any
                     file a user creates (say "emacs personal-notes.txt") will be world readable by

                     default. Any user on the system can read any other user's files.

                     If something like a Web-based cgi is setup improperly, the attacker would be
able to
                     view any user's files. The default in Red Hat, for example is to set the user
                     so only the user can read, write or execute it. The group owner and other
(i.e. anyone
                     else) has 0 permissions and cannot get in at all. The best solution for this
is to secure
                     the user directories with:

                     chmod go-rwx /home/username

                     The user can also do this on their own, since they own the directory. Note
that this
                     will break the default http://www.example.org/~username/ behavior of Apache;
                     default directory is /home/username/public_html/. It needs to be world
readable and
                     executable, since Apache runs as the user nobody. Hopefully, Debian will issue
                     upgrade to adduser soon that addresses this.

                     LILO is also configured very poorly. Despite the fact that Debian 2.2
                     "sulogin" for single user mode, prompting a user for the root password is
                     bypassed, by entering the following argument at the LILO command line:

                     Linux init=/bin/sh

                     You are conveniently dumped to a command prompt as root (just as the command
                     "single" would if sulogin were not used). This is very sloppy. While Debian
has gone
                     to significant trouble to fix one problem (by installing sulogin), it is
easily defeated.
                     The addition of two lines to /etc/lilo.conf would solve the problem:


                     This is, of course, also useless if all Debian 2.2 machines have the same
                     password. During install the user should be prompted to enter a password for
                     and the LILO configuration file should be protected from users (as it is in
Debian 2.2).
                     If you do choose to uncomment the existing password line, make sure you change

                     the password from the default of "tatercounter2000".


                     Apache - Why in the name of all that is holy did Debian ship Apache 1.3.9?
1.3.12 is
                     out (has been for several months) and includes numerous fixes, some for pretty

                     serious problems (like the cross-site scripting vulnerability). It's not like
1.3.12 is
                     unstable or flaky. I find this odd, since Debian goes to the trouble of
creating a
                     "www-data" user and group to run the Apache server as.

                     ProFTPD - They ship 1.2.0pre10, which has this annoying little root hack.
Again, a
                     newer version of ProFTPD has been available: 1.2.10rc1 (Release Candidate,
i.e. the
                     one you should use). It was made available on July 11th, just over one month
                     Debian 2.2 was released.

                     This portion could be rather long, so I'll cut the list short. Debian has
shipped more
                     than a few daemons that have severe security problems, many of which were
                     well before Debian 2.2 was released. I find this unacceptable, especially in
the light
                     that Debian has not released any updates for these packages!

                     Other Software

                     There are also a number of other packages with security flaws and no updates
                     available yet. Xchat, for example, has a well-known hole. Red Hat and Mandrake

                     have issued updates; nothing from Debian yet.

                     Netscape is currently up to version 4.73 on Debian, a minor problem when there
is a
                     serious bug in JPEG handling and a hole in the Java that you can march the
                     army through. Unless you disable Java in Netscape, your Web browser can be
                     turned into a web server by malicious Java code on a Web site. Most other
                     have issued updated versions. You'd think that now that 2.2 is out the door,
                     could focus a lot of activity on fixing it.


                     Debian's goal of a bug free-release hasn't been met. But to be fair, it's not
like any
                     software vendor will ever release bug-free software. Debian has done a
                     bad job in my opinion, shipping out-of-date software and especially publicly
                     available network daemons that have root hacks in them.

                     If you do go with Debian, you'll have a lot of manual updating ahead of you to
bring it
                     up-to-date and secure it. Unfortunately, the argument "apt-get, apt-upgrade"
                     won't work, since many of these updates are not available as dpkg's yet.

                     Debian has also ignored a lot of work other vendors have put into making their

                     distributions more secure. If you don't learn from the mistakes and
improvements of
                     others, there is little hope. This is especially frustrating in light of
Debian's effort to
                     secure various parts of the distribution, using Exim by default instead of
                     Having seen things like that during the install, I had a lot of hope for
Debian, but my
                     hopes were dashed to pieces upon closer inspection.

                     Kurt Seifried (seifried@securityportal.com) is a security analyst and the
author of
                     the Linux Administrators Security Guide, a source of natural fiber and Linux
                     security, part of a complete breakfast. He will probably not respond to flame
                     so don't bother.

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