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ppp install failing (loopback?)

I've never tried to install over ppp before.  In fact, my one round of 
ppp with a working installation was a nightmare.  However, I've trying
to face it for my home machine (and will need to do so again for the 

I made the resc1440 and root disks, and copied these and the base and 
drivers tgz's to a zip.  These were then stuffed into a spare (to 
become swap) partition, and I got the base system installed.

Unfortunately, pppconfig doesn't seem to like me.  After changing an 
irq, it now finds my modem.  It takes all the information from me that 
it thinks it should need, and then tells me that it failed to make a 
connection.  Judging by a brief flash on the screen (why are error 
messages *still* going to the screen where they're not visible or 
recordable after all these years?), it may be using the provider script 
rather than the psu script I told it to use.  I've tried editing 
provider, but with the same results.

Checking /var/log/syslog, it appears that the message is that the tty 
is looping back to itself.  (horrible idea that just hit me: does this 
mean that this old modem for which I have no documetnation is set to 
half-duplex?? it's a gateway from a 486 with a set of 8 dip switches . 
. .)

What do I do next? 

Prof. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.       Smeal 178    (814) 375-4700
These opinions will not be those of Penn State until it pays my retainer.

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