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Re: trouble with fetchmail via exim

Dave Sherohman wrote:
> Andreas Hetzmannseder said:
> >         The following domain(s) will be recognized as referring to this
> >         system: woof
> Unless your incoming email is addressed to andy@woof, exim will not recognize
> it as being for a user on your system.  You need to give exim a valid local
> domain.

So I reconfigured exim. Now it says:
        The following domain(s) will be recognized as referring to this
        system: woof, netway.at
with 'netway.at' being the second part of my e-mail address. The problem
remains. Did I make a stupid entry? Is there something else missing?

Interestingly the error messages differ in respect to whether the mda
option in ~/fetchmailrc is specified or not. If it is it says:
        '...neither action flags...' etc.
if it is not it says:
        '...SMTP transaction error..."

Kind regards,

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