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Re: Netscape Bus Error

kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:
> It means Netscape is crap software.

	Not everyone has these kinds of troubles with Netscape.  I'm not
saying its great, because it isn't, but neither is it "crap" software.

> It *will* crash.  Frequently.  Get used to it.

	I manage to trip a bug once every, say, 2 weeks.  Not good, but not
horrible either.

> Mozilla should improve much of this, but the default build is far too
> complex for a basic browser.  Gzilla and/or Gnutella look like far more
> promising projects.  Both are based on the Gecko rendering engine, but
> strip out much of the bloat being pumped into Mozilla.

	To be fair to Mozilla, it is trying to do much more than what Gzilla
and Gnutella do.  Mozilla is not just a browser, it is attempting to
provide the main features found in Netscape Communicator, i.e., mail
and newsgroup support.  We disagree on what is 'bloat' obviously.  :-)

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