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Re: printing with SLRN-Solved!

After thinking about this for a while I realized that I had installed
SLRN before I had configured my printer with printtool. So I uninstalled
and the reinstalled. Printing seems to work fine now. 

On Mon, Aug 14, 2000 at 08:18:41PM -0700 28, "Dale L . Morris" <dlm@well.com> wrote:

> I configured printing in my 2.2 potato version using redhat's printtool.
> Everything prints fine, messages print from mutt without error, but when
> I try to print using slrn, I get an error:
> Printing article...sh: lp: command not found
> Printer process returned error code 127
> I've looked through the slrn.rc files and can't see anything about
> printing, can't find anything in the manual. Am I overlooking something
> really obvious here? 
> Thanks in advance
> --dale 
> "Make voyages, attempt them, there's nothing else."
>                              --Tennessee Williams
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"Make voyages, attempt them, there's nothing else."
                             --Tennessee Williams

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