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Re: Is Debian Linux 2.2 available in San Jose, Cal.

i'm not sure what the 'problem' you had is was with 2.1, corel has
slightly updated software but it is still based on 2.1

i wouldn't expect official 2.2 cds for a couple weeks, when 2.1 came out
it took i think 3 weeks before i was able to get ahold of them.

of course things may be different now.


On Fri, 15 Aug 1980, Ed Burke wrote:

burke >     Since the Linux conference is running in our area this week, I
burke >thought someone or some
burke > resource would be available locally to purchase an update CD.  2.1
burke >didn't get the job done
burke > but I'm told 2.2 should do the job.  However maybe I should just jump
burke >to Corel - Not a
burke > threat, please don't consider it as such - an idea that might get me on
burke >Linux soon.  If any-
burke > one has a lead on Debian 2.2 for cash in the area please forward a
burke >note. Ed
burke >
burke >
burke >-- 
burke >Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe debian-user-request@lists.debian.org < /dev/null
burke >

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