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quick fetchmail help ...


if anyone is there i'm helping a friend setup a multi-drop fetchmail stuff
while their connectivity is down.  what i need is a fetchmail config that
will download all their mail from a pop3 account on their mail server and
then forward it to their internal nt server (which doesn't have direct
connectivity until their dsl is back up but does have ethernet to the linux
box which can dial in) with the correct smtp envelope.  

the problem that i'm  having is that fetchmail isn't rewriting the envelope
correctly, instead it's delivering all mail to the user ipi (their pop
account at their isp).

i know that this is easy to do and that fetchmail can do this but if anyone
knows the correct way to do it as i wade through the docs it would be much
appreciated.  currently what i have is a /root/.fetchmailrc which looks like

poll mail.isp.com with proto POP3 and options uidl
       user 'ipi' there is ipi here options keep

and using the commadn line:

fetchmail -v -B 1

can anyone provide a quick fix?


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