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I am still a relatively new user of debian, but i was wondering if
someone may be able to help me out setting my crontab. basically, i want
to set cron to check and update (if necessary) my dyndns account daily. 
i read many pages about how to set the crontab, which seems pretty
straight forward, but i seem to be missing something.  this is what i
have done so far:

crontab -e

#test to make sure the dns is current
30 6 * * * /usr/local/bin/addns-0.73c.pl >> /home/jake/addns.txt

initially i set it with a wild card in each of the fields, just until i
got it working, but no luck.  if anyone has any suggestions, they would
be greatly appreciated.  or, if there is a better way to check and
automatically update my dyndns account, that information would be even
more helpful.  thanks in advance.


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