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Generating Modelines that are *useful* (was: Re: Modeline for ADI Multiscan E75)

On Aug 13 2000, kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at 02:51:41PM +0800, Andrew McRobert wrote:
> > Does anyone have a good Modeline for this monitor? I can get X running @
> > 1024x768 with 16bpp, but there's a bit of shadowing around eterm windows
> > etc ....
> Have you fiddled with xvidtune?

	Just a tip for you guys (and so it stays in the archives for
	further reference), if you are struggling trying to get the
	best out of your monitor/video card combo, be sure not to miss
	the following site:


	It can make wonders, really. In fact, it has already done for
	me, especially with my new -- and problematic, must I add --
	card Trident 3DImage975. Now, I'm using 1152x864x16bpp and
	with a 74Hz refresh rate.

	BTW, does anybody else uses this card? It is so damnmed slow,
	even compared to my older S3Trio64 (which is dead now,
	unfortunately). Reading its manual, I thought that it would be
	very fast... Or is it a problem with XFree 3.3.6 not
	supporting the cards capabilities?

	[]s, Roger...

  Rogerio Brito - rbrito@iname.com - http://www.ime.usp.br/~rbrito/
     Nectar homepage: http://www.linux.ime.usp.br/~rbrito/nectar/

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