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Re: Newbie needs help with IP-Masquerading

What does it say when you do: ipchains -L

Ron Rademaker 

On Wed, 9 Aug 2000, Jason Schepman wrote:

> HELP!!  I can't get IPMASQ working.  I've recompiled my kernel to add MASQ
> support and I'm pretty sure that I got it right.  I've read through the
> HOW-TO but I had problems following along (I think it was written with BSD
> in mind.....not Sys5).  Anyways....any ideas or suggestions would be
> helpful.  I can't even tell you exactly what the problem is.  All I know is
> that my windows machine can't hit the internet when going through the debian
> box.
> (It's not a DNS thing because I can't ping the DNS server from windows
> either.)
> -Jason
> -- 
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