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Re: Combining 4 C-class networks: how?

Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:
> In article <cistron.815271E55A83D211957300A0CC236DE3044325@ASPEN>,
> Walter Williams  <wwilliams@mountain-cad.com> wrote:
> >>Sorry to break in on this thread and being off-topic, but...
> >>CIDR is 10 years old! Anyone still thinking in class A and class C
> >>is probably still using COBOL too... sigh
> >
> >Excuse me, for butting in, but, all the
> >documentation I have read on TCP/IP still
> >refer to "Classes".
> I know - and I heard that they even teach it that way in Universities.
> Still, it's simply wrong. It's like assuming the sun revolves around
> the earth simply traveling along a weird path (remember Keplers
> equasions?).
> Good books and good professors do point that out.

Don't networking configuration tools default to using the "Classes"
for computing netmasks, unless they are specified?

Bolan.Meek@wcom.com 972-729-5387
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