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ERROR! Someone May Be Ripping You Off!

If you are receiving this, than you are in a special database and

you may have been ripped off!

Check http://www.ecomtogo.cc

This message is sent in compliance of the new email bill section 301. Under
Bill S.1618 TITLE III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress this message cannot
be Considered Spam as long as we include the way to be removed. Per Section
301, Paragraph (a)(2)(C) of S. 1618, further transmissions to you by the
sender of this email may be stopped at no cost to you by sending a request
to be removed to - mailto: yourimage@fmsn.net . Please type "Remove" in the
subject line. Your request to be removed will be processed within 24 hours.
Please DO NOT Reply to this message if you wish to be removed.

Notice:  This letter is not spam.  It is sent to you with your 
permission, subject to terms given when posting your ad on my links page,
or sending an e-mail to my address: internetwealth@usa.net
To review your post, simply go to: [ http://ffanet.com/links/slightedge.htm ]

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